Can Biltong Be Frozen: Here’s How To Do It

If you’re one of the rare people who keep biltong for more than a few days, you might wonder how to keep it fresh longer. It could be the case if you made a big batch of biltong or bought it in bulk. So the logical question would be, “Can I freeze my biltong to make it last longer”?

Biltong can be frozen if it is packaged and sealed correctly. For best results, it is advisable to freeze biltong as whole slabs in a vacuum-sealed plastic bag. The packaging and sealing are crucial to ensure your biltong will freeze well.

Most biltong suppliers will not recommend freezing it as it can degrade the texture and toughen the meat. These changes are particularly prevalent if the biltong is already sliced rather than in whole pieces. Biltong should only be frozen if absolutely necessary; otherwise, it can be kept for months in a vacuum-sealed bag in the fridge.

By using special precautions with packaging and sealing (also providing you defrost correctly), biltong will retain much of its flavour and taste. If you don’t mind your biltong becoming tough, you shouldn’t encounter any major issues with freezing biltong.

Therefore if you must freeze biltong, you need to know exactly how to do it. This will require particular measures, such as the ideal packing and investing in a vacuum sealer. So, for your endeavour to freeze biltong well, it will be important for you to keep reading.

How To Freeze Biltong Correctly?

If you want to preserve the quality and taste of your biltong meat, it’s crucial to understand the dos and don’ts of freezing and defrosting it. Before you freeze your biltong, it is essential to know that it won’t be the same as before, only slightly, but the texture and toughness will be affected.

If you want to freeze biltong optimally, the first measure is to invest in a vacuum sealer. Removing all the oxygen is essential to preserving biltong without dramatically degrading the texture. It’s also key, when vacuum sealing, to ensure you use a vacuum-sealing plastic bag. The correct type of packaging will effectively protect against freezer burn.

Another measure you can implement (if possible, such as having homemade biltong) is to freeze whole slabs rather than sliced pieces. By freezing entire slabs, the proteins are protected as there is less surface for the freezing to act on, which limits texture deterioration.

If you have pre-sliced biltong, the texture will become tougher more quickly. The optimal solution is to vacuum seal and store it in the fridge (which will still last several months). Refrigeration will keep the meat as moist and tender as when you put it in the fridge. For more advice, have a read about refrigerating biltong and keeping it fresh longer.

Although Most people will not recommend freezing biltong, it is an effective means of keeping it for extended periods. If you like your biltong dry or don’t mind it tough, you won’t have many issues as the taste and flavour are well preserved after freezing.

How To Defrost Frozen Biltong?

Now that you’ve frozen your biltong, the proof of freezing it well will be once you defrost it! So how do you defrost biltong to ensure it comes out perfectly and hopefully as good as before?

Biltong should be defrosted at room temperature with as much airflow as possible for moisture to evaporate. It is vital to remove biltong from the packaging as it thaws and ensure you dab it with a paper towel as moisture is released.

Furthermore, It is important to closely monitor your defrosting biltong so that no moisture pools under or on it. If moisture stays, you will end up with soggy biltong and the perfect environment for mould. (Read about preventing mould here).

In conclusion, proper defrosting techniques, such as allowing for airflow as biltong thaws, are essential to maintaining the quality and safety of the meat.

How Long Will Biltong Last Frozen?

Freezing biltong is a convenient way to preserve it for later consumption. However, the quality and safety of frozen biltong can vary depending on various factors, such as the packaging method and the degree of dryness.

Biltong that is frozen with the correct packaging will last up to 12 months or more. This will depend on the degree of dryness of the biltong. If the biltong is wet or has a lot of fat, it should only freeze for up to 9 months (as it can go rancid). If the biltong is well-dried, it will not lose much texture and can last 12 months or longer.

Therefore, freezing biltong with proper packaging can significantly extend its shelf life, allowing for the enjoyment of this popular snack for up to 12 months or more. (Here is an article on how long biltong will last for more information).

Can You Freeze Biltong More Than Once?

Freezing biltong is one way to extend its shelf life and enjoy it for longer periods. However, there are important considerations when freezing biltong, such as how many times it can be frozen.

It’s recommended to freeze biltong meat only once, as moisture can significantly impact its texture. Refreezing could ruin the meat’s texture and even cause mould growth. To avoid wasting any biltong meat, it’s best to defrost only the amount you plan to consume and leave the rest frozen.

In conclusion, freezing biltong can be an effective way to preserve it for later consumption. Proper packaging and sealing are critical factors in determining the quality and safety of your frozen biltong. By following the correct measures, you can keep biltong for many months and enjoy it safely and tastily after defrosting.

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