Does Biltong Need To Be Refrigerated? Best Storage Tips

If you’ve opened a fresh bag of biltong or perhaps made a delicious batch at home! You’ll be wondering how to store your precious snack. Of course, since we are dealing with meat, a common thought is…”Do I need to refrigerate it?”

Biltong does not require refrigeration as it is dry-cured meat. Dry-curing is a technique that preserves meat without needing refrigeration to prevent spoiling.

Although biltong is a preserved meat, it is a perishable good and requires appropriate storage. The recommended method is to keep your biltong in a brown paper bag and store it in a cool, dry location (e.g. your pantry). This will allow for airflow and prevent conditions that cause mould.

If you keep biltong longer than three days, we suggest vacuum sealing in a plastic bag. Removing all the oxygen will keep the meat from moulding and lock in its moisture. An extra measure is to add an oxygen absorber which further prevents mould growth.

Although most people will eat their biltong within a few days, there are cases where you might have excess. In this situation, putting the vacuum-sealed biltong in the fridge will keep it fresh for many months. For extended periods of time, you can freeze biltong either in the original packaging or vacuum sealed. Remember not to freeze biltong more than once.

To most, keeping biltong safe from spoilage without refrigeration seems counterintuitive. It is meat, after all, and we are accustomed to the necessity of keeping meat cold. While biltong doesn’t need cold, it does need particular storage methods (especially if you live in humid or extreme climates). So let’s discuss the different measures to keep your biltong fresh and ready to eat.

Biltong stored in an open container with a paper towel

What Is The Best Way To Store Biltong?

Dry-cured meats are fantastic snack options in many situations, especially if you’re without a fridge! So if biltong doesn’t need refrigeration, “What is the best way to store it?”.

Biltong is best stored at room temperature (around 20-22 c) with efficient airflow to prevent mould growth. Most people will find these conditions in the kitchen pantry or any cool, dry place in the home.

The most recommended container is a brown paper bag or Tupperware without a lid. It’s vital you ensure your biltong avoids any humid conditions as moisture is the main culprit for spoiled biltong! keeping biltong in a sealed container can encourage mould as the meat sweats and has no ventilation (always allow airflow).

If you’re keen to know more, here’s an article on the best biltong storage methods.

A good tip is to take your biltong out each day and mix it around so the meat is not sticking to each other. Two pieces stuck together will provide an ideal location for mould to grow in between.

One issue with storing biltong with good ventilation is that it will keep drying the longer it is kept. If you like very dry biltong it’s ok, but if you want to keep moisture and flavour you should vacuum seal it. Properly vacuum-sealed biltong will last several weeks at room temperature. An extra tip is to add an oxygen absorber or two (1 for up to 500g, 2-3 for up to 2kgs).

There is also the option to freeze your biltong if you have a lot, say after making a big batch or if you bought your biltong in bulk. In this situation, either freeze the biltong in the original package or vacuum seal it. Correctly frozen biltong will last a year or more. Also note that once biltong is frozen, the texture will change slightly.

Vacuum sealed biltong

How Long Will Biltong Last After Opening?

Biltong is shelf-stable for a long time if stored in the right conditions, but what happens once you’ve opened it? There are several situations to consider.

As a general rule: fresh biltong or biltong opened from a packet will last from 3 to 6 days before the risk of spoilage. This rule will differ if you vacuum seal the biltong and store it away again. Or if you decide to freeze the biltong after vacuum sealing.

It is important to note that biltong needs to be kept in cool conditions and out of direct sunlight. Warm temperatures and too much sunlight can make the meat turn rancid and degrade the taste. Another measure is to have clean hands when handling the product. This will limit the chance for bacteria to grow and spoil your biltong.

Will Biltong Last Longer In The Fridge?

Although biltong doesn’t need to be refrigerated, is it beneficial to do so for it to last longer?

Biltong will last longer in the fridge than at room temperature if it has been correctly vacuum sealed. In these conditions, biltong can last up to 6 months or more.

Storing in the fridge is particularly useful if you live in a hot and humid climate. Biltong needs cool temperate conditions as it will turn rancid in very warm conditions. Remember if storing in the fridge to eat the biltong within three days as mould will grow quickly.

Now you know the wonders of storing preserved meat and how best to store it for longevity. Next time you have too much to eat at once, you will confidently store it with pride.

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